On August 31st, the Company released its second Corporate Sustainability Report, detailing our commitment to environmental, social and governance issues. Building off the inaugural report last year, the publication details the Company’s commitment to environmental, social and governance issues and is a key component to how we continue To Create a Better Way and deliver value for its shareholders, stakeholders and team members alike.
“As we publish our 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report, during our 20th year in business I am proud of the legacy we have built as a Company,” said Trevor Haynes, Chairman & CEO. “At Black Diamond, we believe strong governance, environmental stewardship and most importantly, a culture of integrity, diversity, and high performance, are foundational building blocks to the growth and continued success of our Company, and it is through this lens that we operate every day.”
Black Diamond’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Program focuses on the key strategies and initiatives designed to support sustainability, and this year’s report highlights our commitment to our team, customers, partners, communities, and stakeholders across the three pillars of our ESG framework.
The report outlines our emissions intensity reduction target of 40% by 2030 and highlights other key initiatives that support our approach to workplace health and safety, being responsible stewards of the environment, fostering meaningful Indigenous relations and investing in the communities where we operate, while ensuring a culture of integrity, inclusion, and diversity.
“Within the report, you’ll see how we as a business – a collective of people working together with positive intent and common goals – approach the responsibility we share,” said Trevor Haynes, Chairman & CEO.
Click here to open the report.